Photo of Ahmed Nawaz

Ahmed Nawaz


Mr. Ahmed Nawaz, from Islamabad, Pakistan, is a seasoned professional with 10 years of experience working at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Country Office, Pakistan. He earned a bachelor’s degree in commerce from the University of the Punjab in 2009, and a master’s degree in human resource management in 2014 from the National University of Modern Languages.

During his tenure with the UNODC, Mr. Nawaz has delivered programs in the field of drug demand reduction and HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care, and currently serves as a program associate. Mr. Nawaz is a National Universal Prevention Curriculum trainer in school- and media-based interventions. In that role, he has trained several teachers, media personnel and professionals from civil society organizations on evidence-based drug prevention interventions. He has facilitated the development and implementation of a variety of projects aimed at drugs and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, including programs focused on capacity-building, quality assurance and opioid agonist therapy, and has established HIV testing and counseling clinics at three prisons in Pakistan.

During his fellowship, Mr. Nawaz intends to work with U.S.-based experts and organizations to learn from their experiences in order to continue to significantly influence drug demand reduction and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, ensuring a healthier and safer society.